Reunion in the Jungle

October 9th 2016 was the annual (or what some hope will become annual) reunion at Jungle Park Speedway in Parke County.  We managed to miss a great portion of it, but still got to see some pieces of history that only few will actually remember.

The Speedway has changed a great deal since we were there in June.  You can actually walk the track (which we did) and drive it (which we did as well.  I have video of that). The 'jungle' of native trees and weeds has been cut down to reveal the old out buildings, and more pieces of the old track.

You can now see why turn 3 & 4 were so dangerous all those years ago.

Standing on the track in that small stretch between those last two corners of the track, I could picture cars speeding into turn 3, sliding into the short straightaway before turn 4, and not slowing enough to make the turn and ramping the high bank and landing on SR 41 just before the bridge that goes over Sugar Creek.
Walking among the old cars was a unique experience all its own.  It was like walking back into an automotive history.  But when the engines started, you could hear the rumble for miles.  

Yes.  There was a rumble in the jungle.

A parting thing that we did, was actually drive around the track.  First we walked it (I took photos along the way),but then we actually drove it (at a safe speed).  I videoed that... but it's too large to upload here.  and now for some of the photos I took

Car of Charles "Charlie" Sentman, Sr. It was in his shed, his wife refused to let anyone touch it... when she passed in 2005, it went to their daughter, Beverly. She didn't let anyone touch until it was moved to this location at Jungle Park 2 weeks priot to the reunion. ( Beverly's ex husband told us that while we looked at the car).


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