The View From the Top

The Sycamore Building wasn't always the Sycamore Building.  It was originally built as a bank for Citizens Trust Company Building in 1921 by Hoggson Brothers of New York City for $500, 000.  The construction of the building, from demolition of the old to designing and building of the new only took 9 1/2 months.

At the time of construction, it's 12 stories made it the tallest building between Indianapolis and St. Louis.  It lost it's title in the 1960's when ISU erected the twin Statesmen Towers that were 15 stories tall.  But has since regained that title when the Statesmen Towers were demolished.

Here are some statistics:
140.00 ft
140.00 ft
126.00 ft
Feb 1921
Oct 1921

1964 The Sycamore Building was sold by the Herber Estate to Sunset Harbor, Inc.
A top the Sycamore building, you can see all of Wabash, the courthouse, the Wabash river.... but watch for the Falcons.  Yes, you read the correctly.  Falcons.  More specifically, Peregrine Falcons.  There is a nesting box on the roof of the Sycamore Building.  in 2016, they had 3 chicks hatch.  Had the chicks not have left the nest,  we wouldn't have been allowed on the roof, as parental falcons are highly territorial, and will attack if you go to close to their nest. is an article about the Falcons and how they became to be on top of the Sycamore Building.

For more info on the actual breed Peregrine Falcon, has some good photos and tells the difference between the different breeds.

It's along way up to the top

They bricked over the original windows that were two stories tall

entryway light

original numbers on the elevator

going up?

orginal bank vault
a View from the Top


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