Stone History

We've all passed a cemetery... or two... or hundred in our life time.  More often than not, we don't stop.  We just think of it as just 'another cemetery'.  What most don't think of them as is pieces of history.

This photo by chance...

Old Hill Cemetery, Brazil, Clay County, Indiana

Hundreds of people drive past it each day, and likely few will stop and to see who it is that lies beneath a huge stone such as it.

Or the history that dwells just in the stone alone.

Austin Willett Knight.  1807-1877 Doctor. Mason. Husband. Father.

But unless you actually stopped and looked, you'd never know that... or that there are 2 other people listed on that tall stone that stands out (and above) all the rest.

Austin Knight was married to Achsah (1803-1887).  On a third side of the stone is their daughter, Malvina (1835-1854).  The fourth side is a dedication to another daughter, Prudence Hudson (1837-1876).

So much history in piece of stone.


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