
Showing posts from January, 2017

Passing the Torch

Almost 3 years ago, my boss approached me and said "hey, do you want to be on the Bicentennial Committee?" I said ok, and the commitment began. Bicentennial Committee... Indiana became a state in December 1816.  Centennial was in 1916, Clay County, along with a few others, did not participate in the state celebration.  2016.  Bicentennial.  The state decided to do a 92 counties in 37 day Torch Relay.  We needed to participate. Clay County bowed out of participating in 1916.  So the planning began. Monthly Meetings.  Paperwork from the state.  Nominations for Torch Bearers.   A celebration. Long story short. We made it.  We worked our butts off, without a lot of cooperation from some in the area.  We made it.  We had 19 out of 20 Torchbearers, we had a celebration at the Courthouse... but most of all we had an experience we'll never forget. The Torchbearers 1st Row - Hayden Slater, Jacob Baskins, Hank Slater, Hann...

Bad me

I've been rather lapsed in writing here.  Work things, being sick & the holidays have taken it's tole on my computer time. That said, I have a list of blog posts that I started and never managed to finish.  I'm hoping that things calm down enough and my back & shoulder stops throbbing enough for me to be productive and finish the posts. I'm also looking for more ideas for posts & trips this summer.  If anyone knows of something that might be of interest and that I can research a bit before the trip to it, let me know.  Would prefer day trips if at all possible. Thanks.